I figured I always talk about Joseph so today I'm going to talk about myself.
Last week I borrowed some Frank Capra movies from my parent's house. I watched "You can't take it with you". It was a good movie. Just like all of his movies. It is about this developer who is trying to buy up this large amount of land in the middle of the town. He is opposed by this old Happy-go-lucky type man who lives with his daughter, her husband, their children and others.
All this family does is whatever they want. So there is dancing and singing and other fun stuff going on all the time.
Anyway, at the end of the movie the developer decides he wants to be less driven by the ever loving dollar and everyone is happy (sounds like all of Frank Capra's movies).
What I'm trying to get to here, is that the man who plays the happy-go-lucky chap is Lionel Barrymore. He's the one who plays Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life". It's so interesting to see him play a part so totally opposite from that. I've never seen him in a part like that. It was good.
Also, this weekend I finished reading "Gone with the Wind". That was one of the dumbest books I've ever read. Scarlett O'Hara is the most stupid woman in the whole world. She is smart when it comes to running a business type smarts, but she doesn't have any common sense. She is selfish and arrogant and doesn't understand other people. I have never been so angry at a hero or heroine as I was when I finished this book. I think I liked everyone else in the book better than I liked her.
Yesterday, we went to see Wall-e. It was a good movie. If you are totally involved in watching a movie with loads of dialog, then you will not like this movie. It doesn't have much talking at all. But one thing I liked about it was Wall-e is obsessed with "Hello Dolly". So most of the movie has "Put on your Sunday clothes" or "It only take a Moment" underscoring it.
I left that movie with a mad desire to watch "Hello Dolly". Wall-e is very funny. I mean, he's been alone with a cockroach for 700 years. He doesn't understand how to be around others. So he made that movie worth while.
Well, that's my life recently, here's a note from Joseph.
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