Monday, March 23, 2009

Our life

So we have been feeling the economic squeeze lately. Luckily Joseph has been looking for a job to help out.
He tried out botany but he really doesn't know much about plants.
He looked at sunbathing, but he was just too cool and everyone wanted to stare at him. But not much money to be had.

He tried laughing and showing off his six teeth. But no one pays people much for that. At least not at our house.

He thought maybe he could save us money by taking water out of the hydrants. But he doesn't have the right tools and the water comes out too fast for him to utilize it.

He thought he could sell pictures of our family, but no one was interested.

Here he is taking a shower after a long day of being cute and looking for a job.

Finally he just decided to help around the house. He became a dishwasher and helps us stay happy and enjoy the little things.

For those who can't tell, this post was mainly an excuse to show cute pictures of Joseph. He is growing up so fast.

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