An hour and a half later I wake up to Joseph standing by the bed saying "mess, Mommy, mess" Not really words you want to wake up to. I told Joseph to clean up his toys (thinking that was the mess) and then we could take a shower.
I got out of bed and saw an empty egg carton on the floor. The first bad sign. I took two steps to look into the living room and I saw this.
I guess Josh made German pancakes for breakfast and Joseph watched him break the eggs. He decided he needed to break some eggs himself so he broke (and smeared) almost a dozen eggs (using all we had left) onto the carpet. They were all over his toys,
in his toy drawer,
And all over his books. He made a huge mess right in front of the TV, all over his clothes and left egg shells in a trail from the fridge to the bed.
And here is the little troublemaker in the shower. All clean and angelic. I was so angry at the time, but how can you stay mad at a face like this. He sure does keep things interesting around here.