Joseph cut his first tooth this week. It's so fun to hear him clicking his tooth on this toys and other solid objects that make it into his mouth. He won't let us see it. I have caught glimpses as he opens his mouth for food, but he is very fussy about people touching his face. Especially his mouth.
Also, Joseph got his first haircut a couple weeks ago. It's sad that my baby is starting to look more like a big boy. Here is a picture of the new do.
He's such a cutie. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. Heavenly Father sure has blessed us with a crazy, rambunctious child to help keep us young. Every morning he wakes up with so much energy and Josh and I can hardly open our eyes. He sure keeps us on our toes.
We went to the zoo last week. I don't know how much attention Joseph gave, he didn't seem to pay much attention to the animals. Some he noticed but others, not so much. It seems that the more active they are the more he notices them. He loved the penguins. He could have watched them all day. He also liked the big birds in the bird show. Here are a couple pictures of him with a bald eagle and some other birds.
I think he really enjoyed the carousel. At first when he started going down and around is scared him a little, but by the end he didn't want to get off and he loved patting the polar bear he was riding (that's for you Mom.) He loves things he can interact with, even if it's only in his mind.
But I think his most favorite part of going to the zoo was that he got to play with Mommy and Daddy all day long. He loves being with his dad and they have so much fun playing together.
Like I said, he is so fun and so active. He sure keeps me busy. I hardly have any time for myself. But there isn't anyone I would rather spend my time on. I love watching him discover the world around him. He is climbing over everything and pulling everything down trying to figure it out. Heavenly Father sure gave me a wonderful blessing when he let me become a mother.